Work safety principles

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Work safety principles

Safety Principles at Work:
Safety is defined as human protection and its efficacy from injury and prevention of human injury. The first human effort to improve immunity 2000 years ago is presented in the Natural History of Pliny and Elder. For example, the book says that workers should wear protective masks to avoid inhalation of poisonous substances and can be mentioned as the first safety devices for mines safety lamps.
The purpose of implementing the safety regulations and related instructions is to create a healthy environment in which workers can continue to work without worrying and without fear of industrial hazards.
In this way, fears of the uncertain future caused by accidents at the workplace will be lost in our industrial society. Without being responsible for safety, not only is not a step in the way of industrial progress, but the industry is chaotic and disintegrating, and sooner or later it will lead to a gradual decline.

House Keeping:
The high sales time or the number of employees and the size of the plant is a pride in a company, since it seems to have guaranteed high sales and mass production, lower production costs and higher profits.
In the new management perspective, the skill of the worker is the production line, as well as the conditions of production and the factory environment and product quality, which determines the company’s sales and profits. Cleanliness in Japan’s five-sided system of cleanliness, humans, machinery, materials and environment. In order to achieve a disciplined industrial and clean workshop with productivity and reduction workers, the following recommendations are recommended:
1. Marking and writing specifications of materials or pieces inside cans or barrels and their type is not known.
2. Dispose of the essential accessories of unnecessary supplies and unnecessary materials from the work environment.
3. The machines and equipment used and the floor of the hall and hallway should be cleaned after each shift.
4. Consumables should be placed near the place of consumption.
5. There must be a certified program for personal hygiene and personal care.

Its color and application in the industry:
According to the ANSI standard, each color has a special application and is used in certain cases.
Red: Red indicates the stop sign (emergency stop buttons) and fire prevention and fire fighting equipment, such as warning boxes, sand bins, and so on.
Orange: This color is used to represent danger. For example, to show the moving parts of the machine that can cause crushing, cutting, etc., and if the car is removed, this color is indicated.
Green: To illustrate evacuation, rescue, first aid posts, permission to transit vehicles and in general to represent conservation facilities. Green is the color of safety.
Blue: The main blue warning is used to indicate danger. Its application includes labeling for warning in order to prevent the start and running of machines that are under repair and the worker is busy working.
Crimson (Purple): To determine the risk of radiation such as X, alpha, beta, gamma, proton, etc. This color comes with broken blades in a yellow background to show the rooms and places where radioactive substances are stored or moved.
Yellow: To show caution, physical hazards such as collision, glide, falling, and staying are used.
Black and white: Used for commuting corridors and navigation lines.
Black and Yellow: To demonstrate the direction of the movement of vehicles, such as forklift trucks. The most important application of color in the industry is to show the identity of the pipes.

Safety training:
Training in the pursuit of professional health goals is of paramount importance as it improves the level of awareness of the individual and opens the culture of safety and health among the workers. It is natural for the worker to be more aware of safety and related issues than he does to commit unsafe acts and to dissuade other people from doing so.