Continuation of the Persian Gulf Martyrs Tunnel Operation and Lighting on the Ard-Fadagh Axis

پایاب کوثر
پایاب کوثر
تونل جاده سد و نيروگاه کارون 4
تونل جاده سد و نيروگاه کارون 4
پایاب کوثر

Project Description

The Gulf Martyrs Tunnel (Balangistan) is on the Ard-Fadagh axis to shorten the route and increase safety and reduce accidents by removing the impassable lane. The subject of the remaining drilling pact includes tunneling, reinforcement, and tunnel lining, along with permanent clarification of operation time.

Project Specifications

The specifics of the operation of this Convention are as follows:

– Tunnel length: 860 meters

– Underground excavation: 36,000 cubic meters

– Excavation of 45,000 cubic meters

– Lightweight: 1,500 cubic meters

– Mail: 72 tons

– Lithification: 65 tons

– Rating: 94 tons

-Mail restraint: 9,000 meters long

– Tunnel lining: 13,000 cubic meters

– Concrete roller: 2.100 cubic meters

– Shutters: 15,000 cubic meters

-Formation: 21,000 square meters

-Permanent vision: 565 meters long

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